ClipDrop – Cleanup Pictures

ClipDrop - Cleanup Pictures
ClipDrop App Review

ClipDrop App Review

ClipDrop is an AI-powered photo editing app that makes it easy to remove objects, text, defects, logos, and watermarks from any picture in your photoroll.

What is ClipDrop?

ClipDrop is a suite of photo editing apps, plugins, and resources that are powered by artificial intelligence. One of the apps included in the suite is, which allows you to remove any unwanted elements from your photos, such as objects, text, defects, logos, and watermarks. The app uses AI to accurately remove the selected elements and seamlessly blend the surrounding area to create stunning visuals in seconds.

Why use ClipDrop?

If you’re a content creator, marketer, or designer, you know the importance of high-quality visuals. ClipDrop can save you time and effort by allowing you to quickly and easily remove any unwanted elements from your photos without the need for manual editing. The app’s AI-powered technology is able to accurately detect and remove even complex elements, leaving you with a clean and polished image. Additionally, the app is easy to use and offers a range of pricing plans to fit different needs and budgets.

Pros of ClipDrop

  • Accurately removes unwanted elements from photos
  • Uses AI-powered technology for seamless and professional-looking edits
  • Saves time and effort compared to manual editing

Cons of ClipDrop

  • Requires an internet connection to work
  • Integration with other software, such as Google Docs and GIMP, is limited
  • Pricing plans may be expensive for some users


If you’re a content creator, marketer, or designer who frequently needs to edit photos, ClipDrop is a useful and powerful tool that can save you time and effort. Its AI-powered technology is able to accurately remove unwanted elements from your photos, creating seamless and professional-looking edits. However, the app’s reliance on an internet connection, limited integrations with other software, and pricing plans may be a drawback for some users. Overall, if you’re willing to pay for the app’s features and can work around its limitations, ClipDrop is a great tool to have in your editing arsenal.